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WebWave drag and drop website builder lets you create unique websites. You can build your website from scratch by starting with a blank page, or choose various website templates from our free collection and modify them according to your needs. With WebWave website builder, you have a complete website design and hosting system at your fingertips.

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15 January 2019

Basic dictionary 




Internet domain (site address).

Imagine internet domain as something similar to a home address: you need to know it to find a certain place, like your website. A domain name consists of one or more parts, technically called labels that are conventionally concatenated and delimited by dots such as webwavecms.com. 


Hosting (server).

It is the place where your website's files are stored.


Website builder.

Application for building websites, also available in the browser. With help of website builder you can  create and publish a website by yourself.


Webmaster's Panel.

It is a page where you can manage your websites built in WebWave (create them, duplicate, delete, make backup copies), domains, pay for Premium Plan, domain name and more.


Mailbox (your e-mail).

E.g. Your.Name@Website-Name.com, so it is just a mailbox address where you send and receive messages.



Your whole website with all subpages and newspages.


Home page.

One of the subpages which is displayed as the first after typing your site address in the browser.



One of website's elements. If you are building your website in WebWave web design software, you can have an unlimited amount of subpages. 


Newspage (post).

A subpage which represents new content on your website. It is based on newspages template, so all you have to do is to change graphics, content, and a title. In WebWave you can create an unlimited number of newspages which can be assigned to certain categories. 



It is a website element which after clicking automatically  transfers a user to another subpage or another place on the Internet.


URL Address.

a Site address with http:// or https://.


SSL Certificate.

With help of a SSL certificate data transferred from your website to the user's computer is encrypted.


RWD (responsive website).

A website which automatically adjusts itself to a screen it is being viewed at. The responsive website displays correctly on computer, tablet and mobile phone screens.