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WebWave drag and drop website builder lets you create unique websites. You can build your website from scratch by starting with a blank page, or choose various website templates from our free collection and modify them according to your needs. With WebWave website builder, you have a complete website design and hosting system at your fingertips.

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15 January 2019

Building a website by many webmasters

Every website built in website builder WebWave CMS can be created and edited by many webmasters as well. When more than one person works on a project, it is easier to split the job and make corrections independently.


Enable other webmasters to edit your website

Other webmasters' authorization level

Set limitations for other webmasters



 Enable other webmasters to edit your website

In order to enable other webmasters to edit your website, enter Webmaster's panel and go to website options.


In a new window, go to webmasters section and add a new webmaster.


In a new pop up window enter new webmaster's e-mail. If in WebWave web design software there is an account created with this e-mail, the user will be able to edit your website.

Transferring the site and payments to another account created in WebWave

To transfer the site and payment to another WebWave account, when adding a new webmaster, check the "Set as Service Owner" option located under the email field.

If you change the owner of the site, he will receive your prices - the rate may be enriched by the commission added by you.


 Other webmasters' authorization level

Other webmasters have full access to website editor and can change on a website almost everything. They have access also to statistics and mailboxes.


The thing they are not able to perform  is to delete your website and change its site address, nor they are able to see your website finances.



 Limitations for other webmasters

A lot of webmasters can have access to edit a website, but they can't do it at the same time. While one webmaster is working on the website, another will not be able to enter the builder. He will be informed that someone else is already editing the content.