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10 November 2022

Fixed element

Fixed element - Always

Fixed element - On top when scrolling

Fixed element - Always

  1. Select an element/group which you want to hook in place
  2. After selecting an elemen/group go to "Settings panel" and find "Fixed element" option from the drop-down list select "Always"

  3. Your element/group will be hooked when you scroll the page 

Fixed element - On top when scrolling


  1. Select an element/group which you want to hook after scrolling
  2. After selecting an element/group go to "Settings panel" and find "Fixed element" option from the drop-down list select "On top when scrolling"

  3. Set up "Distance from top" in px/vh . This is the point at which your element/group will be hooked while scrolling - the element will maintain a fixed distance from the top edge of the page.

  4. An additional feature of this solution is to detach an element/group anywhere on your page - this will be done automatically. Scroll the page to where you want to detach the element and select this "Detach element" option. You can indicate manually after how many px/vh the element should detach. 

  5. Your element/group will hook and unhook at the time you indicate.