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25 January 2024

How to start selling Digital Products

Adding an electronic shipping method.


1. Go to edit your page

2 Go to "Store Settings", then go to the "Shipping" tab.

3. Click "Add shipping method".

4. From the drop-down list we select, type of shipping: "Electronic" and complete the fields: "Gross price", "Vat tax %", "Availability for payment" and optionally add "Description" of the shipping method.



Automation of digital product shipping.

1. Go to the "My images and files" tab.

2. Select the item you want to send to the kilent after the finalized purchase, and copy (ctrl+a then ctrl+c) the URL:

3. Then go to edit your product.

2.Enable "Message sent after purchase" options.

3. Paste the link obtained from the Media Library, or paste an external link.

4. Publish your page.

Attention! You can use the code below to send the linked text:

<p><a href="[LINK]">[Your text] </a></p>.