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15 January 2019

Meta tags - title and description of your website

Meta tags describe what is contained on the website. They are displayed in the search results are crucially important for users as well as for engines algorythms. In terms of SEO the most important meta tags are title and description. In this article, you will learn how to build a website with meta tags that allow you to pop up higher and higher in the search engine results.





Meta tag "Title" should describe your website content and it shouldn't be longer than 60 characters. It is worth including the website's name, the main website's topic or a specific piece of content in the meta title. For example, if you run a hair salon in Brighton, the title may be "Hairstylist Brighton" or "Hair Salon Brighton". The title tag is not only essential for positioning your website in search engines, but it is also displayed as a tab name in search engines and helps users remember where they are at. 


Meta tag title is also displayed as a headline of your website in internet search results.


meta tagi google




Meta tag "description" is a text which describes your website content. Even though search engines don't really pay attention to description tag. It is often displayed in internet search results and allows users to decide whether to visit your website and whether it is relevant.




Set meta tags

In order to set meta tags, enter website builder WebWave and in "Settings" select "SEO".


In settings you can  set default meta tags for your subpages separately from meta title . Default meta tags are a title and a description which will be displayed if meta tags of a particular subpage haven't been set yet.

Of course, it is better each subpage has its own title and description. Set meta tags separately in Settings Panel in "Page".


It is also possible to add meta tags via 'Show list of webpages'. The rule applies to the articles as well.