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In website builder WebWave CMS creating multilingual websites is as easy as a pie. Tools, that we share, allow you to make a backup copy of a certain language version of a website and translate chosen content. If needed, you can build additional language versions from scratch. In this article you will learn how to build a multilingual website.
Create an additional language version of a website
Subpages URL addresses on different language versions
How to build an additional language version of a website as quickly as possible
By selecting an "Leave empty" option, you will create a new website from scratch.
By selecting an "Copy content from another version" option(1), a new language version will be created as a copy of chosen language version(2). What remains to do is to translate its content into another language.
By ticking the box next to "Skip articles" (3), the new language version will not be created with a copy of all articles created so far in the original language.
In order to allow users to easily choose a language version of your website, add a language menu from the toolbar on the left side of the builder.
The default language of your website is a language version of your website which will be displayed when a user enters your website. If you linked to your website a domain and set English as a default language, users who enter the website will see the English version. Other language versions will be displayed under, for example a german version will be available under
In order to choose a default language, select it on the "Default language" tab:
Let's say you have your website in two languages - English and German. Each version has two subpages - home page and contact. The English language has been set as default. You have a domain The URL addresses will look more or less like this:
For the English version: - home page - contact
For the German version: - home page - contact
To delete a language version of a website, go to the "Default language" tab and click "bin" button, next to the chosen language. If you delete a default language, another one will automatically replace it.
When you create an additional language version of a website, keep in mind that changes made within it will not affect other versions. The best practice here is to primarily focus on the website style and content of a one language version. And only after it's done you may copy content and add language versions. Then the last thing to do would be just the content translation . You won't have to spend hours on editing each version style.