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15 January 2019

News categories - sort newspages on a website

News categories in website builder WebWave allow you to sort news by its topic and to display them in an adequate place on your website.


Create and delete news categories

Assign a category to news

Which newspages will be displayed on a news list?

An exemplary use of news categories



 Create and delete news categories

To create or delete news categories, go to Articles & Blog -> Categorie management




 Assign a category to news

To assign a category to news, go to the news list by selecting News -> News manager. 



In the news manager select news and assign it to a certain category. Keep in mind that every news can be assigned to more than one category.




 Which newspages will be displayed on the news list?

The News list displays all the newspages added to a website or just all the newspages of a certain category. To select which news are going to be shown on a particular news list, enter this list and in the Settings Panel set a category.




 An exemplary use of news categories

The perfect example of the usage of news categories is this a newspage guide . You will find many subpages on it such as Basics, Tools, and SEO. There is a news list with  all the newspages of  this certain category on each of these subpages