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15 January 2019

Product feed

The WebWave website builder offers a product list feature that allows you to automatically and aesthetically display your product offering. The list automatically uses the products available in the website builder.


Adding a Product List to a Page

Product List Settings:

Product List

Displayed Elements

Changing the Appearance of the Product List


 Adding a Product List to the Page.

A product list can be added from the menu on the left side of the screen. Simply click the icon or drag it to the workspace.


Once a new product list is added to the page, it will be filled with sample products. You will see a sample thumbnail, product title, and description. This content is meant to allow you to design the product list's appearance. Once actual products are added, the sample products will be automatically replaced by the existing ones.


 Product feed settings.

After expanding the "Product List Settings" section from the settings panel on the right side, the following options will appear:

  • Displayed Categories – Which category the products displayed on this list should belong to.
  • Sorting – How the products should be sorted: from cheapest to most expensive, from most expensive to cheapest, or alphabetically.
  • Number of Products – How many products should be displayed on a single page of the product list.
  • Number of Products per Row – How many products should be displayed in each row.
  • Vertical and Horizontal Spacing – The spacing distance between the individual product entries. You can set vertical and horizontal spacing separately.
  • Price – Toggles the display of prices in the product list.



 Visible elements.

You can additionally set:

  • Thumbnail – Whether product thumbnails should be displayed in the product list.
  • Fit – Controls the display mode of the images in the thumbnails.
  • Position – Determines the position of the thumbnail in the list.
  • Hover Animation – Displays a zoom-in animation when hovering over a thumbnail.
  • Compress Thumbnails – Allows you to disable automatic image compression for thumbnails.
  • Pagination – Enables pagination for the product list.



Changing the Appearance of the Product List.

Changing the appearance of the product list in WebWave works the same way as with any other element. Additionally, you can double-click any product element in the list to go directly to styling that specific part. For example, if you double-click the product title, that title and all other product titles in the list will be highlighted with a blue frame. In the bottom panel, you will then be able to modify the properties of these specific titles. You will also be able to edit the text style for the product title.