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WebWave drag and drop website builder lets you create unique websites. You can build your website from scratch by starting with a blank page, or choose various website templates from our free collection and modify them according to your needs. With WebWave website builder, you have a complete website design and hosting system at your fingertips.

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25 February 2019

Snazzy Maps - Google Maps with customized style

Snazzy Maps is a tool allowing you to create a google map with your own style. Maps created with Snazzy Maps are different than the maps in WebWave - free website builder with no coding. They enable you to change colors and add customized marks with any description/graphics.

Placing Snazzy Maps on your website takes three steps: 


Generate API KEY 

  1. Go to cloud.google.com/maps-platform 
  2. Press "Get started", select "Maps", "Routes" and "Places", then "Continue" 
  3. Type any project name, accept terms of use and press "Next"
  4. If you haven't created a billing account yet, register and continue 
  5. Activate Google Maps platform by pressing "Next"
  6. You will receive your individual API KEY - save it in a safe place, you will need it later.


Even though Google requires a billing account, you won't have to pay anything if your map is not displayed more than 25 000 times per month.



Create and generate a map

  1. Go to SnazzyMaps.com and create an account
  2. Log in and select "Build a map"  
  3. Set a style, location, language, and other settings. Remember to set the map width and height to 100% - it will allow you to freely configure it in WebWave
  4. Select the green button "View code" and "Yes" 
  5. Type any map name and paste the previously generated API KEY
  6. Select "View code" again and copy the generated code of the map



Add a map to your website

  1. Enter the  website builder and go to your website
  2. Add an HTML element and adjust its size
  3. Paste to it the map's generated code and save changes
  4. Publish your website