WebWave drag and drop website builder lets you create unique websites. You can build your website from scratch by starting with a blank page, or choose various website templates from our free collection and modify them according to your needs. With WebWave website builder, you have a complete website design and hosting system at your fingertips.
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In WebWave you can create www websites for customers without having to own an Agency Account. However, lauching that kind of account can have more possibilities, which will make your work easier and your company prestigious.
Publicating a website under your own URL adress like is always the last step to make a www website for a client. In this case sending them a link to a website created for them is the best option. It's good to have a link which looks friendly and professional. Like for example this one: Then customer enters only this website and sees the content immediately. It's easier for them to make comments to the project which they can interact with, unlike jpg files.
In WebWave when you own an Agency Account you can connect your own URL to websites that don't have active Premium Plan. You can read about it here.
On published websites that don't contain active Premium Plan you can see an information displayed on the bottom of the site, that it had been created in WebWave. If you own the Agency Account, such info isn't visible. You don't have to set anything in order to use that function. Info about WebWave will disappear from published sited as soon as you will launch your Agency Account.
Every website created in WebWave has it's own CMS panel. It allows to change content on the website (photos, articles, texts) by person who doesn't have any technical abilities. They won't accidentaly ruin look of their site or delete content from it. Available CMS panel is so easy that you don't need any training or skills to change contents of the site. You just have to log in, double click on the text and change it.
As a website creator you can assign any level of authorization to your customer. You can also choose elements which the customer can change and elements that they cannot. You can customize CMS panel as you and your customer like.
Share CMS panel to your client before you will finally launch the project on the internet. Thanks to that clients can add texts and pictures by themselfs. You can fisinsh your project faster and you will be able to get payment from your clients.
Thanks to CMS your client won't call to you every time when they will want to add small changes. They will do that by themselfs.
In this tutorial you can read about adding CMS users accounts and share ability to edit their website.
Set your logo and change colors for CMS panel so clients would never forget that You created that website and there is bigger chance that they will reccomend you to their clients. In this article you will read about setting your logo.