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12 October 2023

Product card in WebWave online store

Enabling product pages.

If the store was running before the product pages function was introduced, you will be required to activate this function in “Store” -> “enable product pages”. A popup will then appear informing you of the change and a backup will be made.


After enabling product pages, in addition to the list of pages and articles, the products tab will be shown, each product from the store will have an automatically created product page


Customizing the product page design.

1. Go to edit your page.

2. In the top bar, find the “Store” tab, then click “Product Page Pattern”.


3. Customize the product page template.


Create a new product and product page.


1. In the top bar, find the “Store” tab, then click “Products”.

2. Click “Add Product.”


3.Fill in the product details and press “Add Product”.


4. When the product is added, you can edit the product card from the product list.

and from the drop-down menu at the top of the builder:


Navigate to the product card.


By default, the product card is invisible from the site user's point of view, but you can easily add an action to direct to it in the menu, button, icon or image settings by selecting the appropriate option, or you can add a product feed.