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In WebWave we calculate basic statistics of every website and share it with webmasters. You can see how the popularity of your website changes and check if marketing increases traffic.
What do particular statistics mean?
In order to see statistics on your website, enter Webmaster's panel and select statistics next to the chosen website.
On the traffic graph you can see how many views your website gets each day. It is useful when trying new trends or buying new ads. It is easy to check if a new advertisement influences traffic on your website.
The pie chart at the bottom of the window shows how many percents of visitors returned to your website and how many entered it for the first time.
A number of users who entered your website in a particular month. To be more precise, it is a number of devices and browsers which visited your website. If one user enters your website in Firefox browser and then in Chrome, it counts as 2 visitors. It works the same way when a user enters it from two different devices. So one should treat this number as an approximate number of visitors.
When a user enters your Home page, it counts as one unique pageview. If he also goes to "About us" subpage and then to the Price list, the number of unique pageviews will be 3. But if he decides to go back to Home page, this step is not counted as a unique pageview anymore. Every user generates as many unique pageviews as a number of subpages he visits.
It is a number of all visits on all the subpages. Let's say a visitor enters 10 subpages, 5 times each. Then the number of pageviews is 50 if the number of unique pageviews is 10.
It is an average visit time that users spend on your website during one visit. Some users can spend on your website even a couple of hours while others will exit it after a few seconds. Average visit time is a sum of time spent by all visitors divided by the number of visits.
It is an average number of subpages a user enters during one visit. It is calculated in a similar way like an average visit time - we divide the number of all the visited subpages by the number of all visits.
If you want to take a closer glance at traffic on your website and find out the answers to the following questions: where do users find out about my website? What subpages do they visit most? Which page does make them exit immediately? Then you should use Google Analytics.
Read the WebWave article on how to use this tool and check traffic on your website with Google Analytics