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05 February 2024

Articles - What are they and what are they used for?

Articles could also be called news, products or even a blog. This is a very powerful feature of WebWave CMS website builder that can be used in many different ways. The first thing that comes to everyone's mind is, first of all, writing news as news, the latest events on your own website. However, this is just the tip of the iceberg.


When to use articles?

Why use articles?

Examples of the use of articles


When to use articles?

With articles, we can easily and quickly create sub-pages that will differ only in content, not in form. This means that if there will be many sub-pages on your site that will have the same layout of elements (they will look the same) and will differ only in content, that is where it is worth using articles. Another situation when it is worth using articles is when you want a kind of table of contents on one of the pages, which will complete automatically. The article list element can be used to create such a table of contents.


Why is it worth using articles?

Articles are worth using for a great many reasons. First of all, they are much easier to manage than subpages. This is because for articles we have several interesting tools at our disposal. First of all, we are talking about the Article List element. We can also use a sorted list of articles and categories. Besides, thanks to article templates, we can very quickly make changes to all articles built on the basis of a given template.



Examples of use of articles

Examples of uses for articles are numerous. However, we will only deal with a few of the most important ones.



The most obvious example of the use of articles. We add one list of articles and one pattern of articles to the website. We describe the latest events and news.




A more complicated case. Here we can use multiple article lists and multiple templates to write information on many different topics and have them sorted accordingly. For example, all the sub-pages created in this tutorial are built as articles. On Positioning there is an article list that displays only articles from the SEO category. All articles on SEO, such as:


are created as articles belonging to the SEO category. As a result, when we want to add a new article on SEO, all we have to do is write the content, choose the right template for it and assign it to the SEO category. Once we write the content, we no longer have to worry about whether the article displays in the correct place on the website.



Using articles, we can also describe products. For example, if we run a website about computer games, each game will be a separate product that can be described in a separate article.




If we are running a blog, it will also be best for us to use articles for this purpose. Then all we have to do is type in the content of a new post, and it will be displayed to us in the appropriate place on the website as sorted as we need.